1. thixotropic semi-solid metal discovery of the phenomenon (1971 D.Spencer)
Pb-Sn alloy in a series of solid and liquid coexistence temperature range of viscosity measurements
Found that by varying the stirring speed, the apparent viscosity of the liquid mixture of reversible change
Small stirring speed
→ apparent viscosity high
Stirring speed large
→ low apparent viscosity
(More than 30% of the solid phase also has the same fully liquid fluidity, this phenomenon thixotropic title)
2. Use thixotropic properties to develop new technology of metal forming (1970)
Reo-casting vision (1976 M.Flemings)
1. stirring the molten alloy is cooled to a semi-molten state → high-pressure casting (Reo-casting)
2. The molten alloy is cooled and solidified while stirring
Forming a billet having granular crystals of
Reheated to a temperature of the solid-liquid coexisting
It can be treated like a solid at rest
In the shear stress as a liquid flow
As the solid treatment (thixotropic casting)
3. Application (late 1970s-1980s _ Dow Battel Institute Inc.) on the injection molding method
The use of magnesium alloy magnesium turnings as a raw material inputs sleeve with screw
→ screw is formed by stirring the semi-molten slurry having fluidity
Like with plastic injection molding
4. Development of magnesium alloy injection molding machine (1990 Japan Steel Works)
High-speed injection systems and high temperature, high temperature corrosion of materials born development → magnesium alloy thixotropic molding machine
5. popularity thixoforming products (the late 1990s)
MG Precision Company established → using thixoforming products in a variety of portable electronic equipment
Thixoforming manufacturers of birth